news: New Starter Q and A - A New Dawn in Influencing Behaviour
Thursday 28th September 2023
ITP recently welcomed Dawn Rahman into our Influencing Behaviour team. Dawn joins the Birmingham office with over 17 years of experience working in transport policy and road safety for a number of different organisations. She is also nearing the completion of a PhD on mothers who cycle with their children aged ≤11 in the UK. Get to know more about Dawn in the latest of our ‘New Starter Q and A’s’.
What experience do you have in the transport industry?
I’ve worked in the transport industry now for 17 years and have undertaken a number of different roles ranging from carrying out transport and climate change research for a European Institute and more recently at the University of Westminster doing a research PhD (to be completed very soon!). I’ve also worked for a number of local authorities covering areas such as transport policy, behavioural change, and road safety. Finally, I also worked for British Cycling as their West Midlands Regional Manager working on a number of projects to get more people cycling.
What projects have you enjoyed the most in previous roles?
I’ve been really lucky to have had some really interesting roles, working on a variety of projects, and getting to visit places such as China, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, and Iceland for work.
However, I have really enjoyed the last three years where I have been carrying out a PhD on mothers who cycle with their children (aged 11 and under) in the UK.
As a mother who has cycled with her (now 11-year-old son) since he was 6 weeks old. It has been fascinating finding out how other mothers have found their experience (both good and bad) of cycling with their children in the UK.
What will you be working on / what sector are you in?
I’ve joined the Influencing Behaviour team and will be working on a range of projects designed to encourage more active and sustainable transport modes.
What do you most enjoy about working in transport planning / what are you most looking forward to?
Probably that no two days are the same and being challenged to find solutions to the various problems that inevitably arise when carrying out project work.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
In my spare time I am swimming, cycling, or running. I’ve just recently completed my 7th Ironman competition and am aiming to complete at least 10 before I ‘retire’ from long distance races. A few years ago, I ran up a Volcano in La Palma (which has since erupted!) and it was probably one of the toughest races I have ever participated in.
Where did you last go on holiday / where do you want to go to next?
My son complains that we don’t do proper holidays, as they always involve some form of exercise. Just before lockdown we bought a campervan which has opened up lots of places in Europe to us (and our bikes).
Our last trip was to a cycling hotel in Riccione, Italy in May. We cycled lots but made up for it with the amount of Italian food we consumed. I also have a couple of trips planned next year in Lanzarote, Spain, Germany, and Switzerland (all for triathlon training or racing). But my dream vacation would be to spend a couple of months in New Zealand.
To learn more about the exciting projects led by our Influencing Behaviour team or to get in touch with us, please visit our 'Influencing Behaviour' page or head over to our 'Get in Touch' section. We'd love to hear from you and explore how we can collaborate to improve the way the world moves.