Network Planning and Efficiency Reviews

Well designed, integrated public transport networks, offering a reliable, inclusive, frequent service, catering for all travel demands, is essential in achieving climate change whilst supporting the economy. 

At the same time, optimising public transport spending, and utilising different methods of delivery, is increasingly important as authorities seek to secure best value from available budgets. 

Network Optimisation

By coupling 'big data' with computational and geospatial analysis techniques we are able to compile detailed insights into how the complex public transport networks function, understanding the origin-destination movements of people, rather than vehicles, since these are what generate demand for travel by different modes.

Using objective operational analysis alongside our understanding of travel demand, existing service coverage, and the vision for travel in the area, we can design integrated public transport networks using the most appropriate modes to achieve effective, efficient and sustainable solutions in established and emerging countries.


  • Public transport network planning, visualisation, and optimisation.
  • Total Transport approach incapsulating education, health and social care travel planning.
  • Public transport integration of rail, bus, and demand responsive transport.
  • Smart Origin-Destination movement data collection and analysis.
  • Smart transit boarding and alighting data collection and analysis.
  • Core movement analyses and modelling.

Southampton Bus Re-routing Impact Analysis

Working for Southampton City Council, ITP developed and tested options for how bus services could be routed in the north of the city based on alternative proposals for the operation of a key bus-only street (Above Bar Street).

The review evaluated the issues surrounding any changes to access: identifying options for operations and appraising their impact on buses, taxis, cyclists, and pedestrians as well as loading for businesses. The environmental implications of change, and the impact of re-routing 100+ buses per hour onto the local road network, were modelled through bespoke spreadsheets coupled with DfT emissions models, and supported by stakeholder engagement with operators and businesses.

The report culminated in recommendations for the future, advocating an incremental approach to changes of operation on Above Bar Street. 

Southampton Bus Re Routing Impact Analysis
Network Optimisation Kiev

Kiev Transport Network Optimisation

Kiev’s transition from planned to market economy left a legacy of dense public transport networks that are poorly matched to local travel demands.  Our team worked alongside the World Bank to review current travel demand patterns across the city, giving technical assistance to the City Administration.  We created a unified and robust database for analysis.  This was used to benchmark the city’s public transport networks in relation to current and planned future land use. High-performing and ineffective public transport routes were identified and our analyses informed a re-imagination of the city’s public transport network.  Private briefings with the mayor, Vitali Klitschko, resulted in urgent implementation of a number of ITP’s findings alongside ongoing exploration of donor funding support for new vehicles and infrastructure improvement.   

TrawsCymru Route Development

ITP was commissioned by Welsh Government to determine the viability of introducing a new TrawsCymru bus service in South Wales. Potential passenger demand was determined through analysis of mobile phone data showing origin and destination points, and supported by demographic mapping and stakeholder engagement.

Integration with other public transport services, serving key destinations, and operating an efficient timetable, was central to designing the specification for the new service. An assessment of costs and revenue potential was undertaken to determine its viability.

We were further commissioned to recommend the way ahead for two other existing services in South Wales, and to develop proposals for a potential new Cross-Valleys Metro bus service, detailing the route, stopping and interchange points and timetable. Costs and potential revenues were assessed to estimate likely subsidy requirements.

Traws Cymru Cropped
Img 0430 Jeepney Cropped

Manila Transport Rationalisation Study

Every day Metro Manila’s 22 million inhabitants experience low travel speeds, unreliable journey times and poor air quality.  The city’s population relies heavily on 75,000 Jeepneys on 1,300 different routes to get around the frequently gridlocked metropolitan area.

The World Bank appointed ITP to take a fresh look at road-based transit in Manila to support the Philippines' Department of Transportation (DOTr) with a strategic review of the regulated road-based public transport system.  Working with the University of the Philippines, we collected a range of data including journey times, boarding/alighting and route alignments for all bus and jeepney services. Origin - Destination surveys provided a realistic picture of travel demand, which informed an enhanced GIS database and CUBE model that we used to re-design the network to better meet demand. Our recommendations are being implemented through DOTr's through its ongoing work to design and build new mass rapid transit corridors across Metro Manila.

Redcar and Cleveland Passenger Transport Review

We were appointed to undertake a review of all supported passenger transport services for Redcar and Cleveland Council. This was wide-ranging, covering local bus, community transport, mainstream school and special education transport and adult social care.  

We carried out initial consultations and data collection, then identified and appraised costs, benefits and implementation issues. Our work included reviewing the operation of supported bus services, streamlining special needs transport services, revising the escort policy, modifying post-16 concessions, reviewing concessionary fares scheme administration and independent travel training delivery.

Our recommendations informed a number of efficiency focused cost-saving measures which have subsequently been implemented.

People On Bus
Efficientcy Reviews Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire Total Transport Efficiency Review

ITP worked with Lincolnshire County Council and partners in the health and voluntary sectors to help prepare their successful bid to the UK government's Total Transport Fund. Our work to write the funding bid and focus key project concepts (on integrating transport services of different natures to optimise their provision for rural communities) unlocked £400,000 for local feasibility and pilot projects.

Subsequent work with Council Officers has helped deliver the Total Connect project, by reviewing criteria for prioritising support for local bus services to result in a model that better reflects Council objectives. We applied accessibility modelling techniques to GIS and socio-economic data to evidence potential efficiencies in how CallConnect (Lincolnshire’s Demand Responsive Transport service) and NHS non-emergency patient and wellbeing transport services could be combined. ITP evaluated a 1 month pilot of combined service delivery, which demonstrated the clear potential for patient and Call Connect users' journey requests to be integrated. This highlighted a need for shared IT systems to plan and schedule journeys if cost savings are to be fully realised.