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news: A new bridge for Nottingham's Enterprise Zone

ITP’s work in 2016 used industry recognised WebTAG economic appraisal guidance to estimate the benefits of a package of cycling measures proposed by Nottingham City Council. The bridge was the largest part of the proposed measures, connecting the Boots site to Nottingham’s Western Cycle Corridor, the tram and university.

Innovatively, we applied WebTAG guidance to data taken from the Propensity to Cycle Tool and the 2011 Census to derive an estimate of commuters from Dunkirk, Lenton and Beeston to the Nottingham Enterprise Zone site. This helped consider not just immediate economic effects, but also health benefits and improved ‘employment intensity’ at the site, using evidence from other similar projects around the UK. Drawing on reported numbers of commuters from these areas to this part of the city helped make the case for the bridge, capturing the reduced ‘barrier’ effect of the railway line for local walkers and cyclists.

Get in touch if you need help with building a business case to fund major cycling schemes.


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