
Effective, well thought out research is central to generating the insights needed to design and deliver transport services and infrastructure that meet people’s needs

ITP's sustainable transport expertise is built on deep understanding of the principles and practice of market and social research.  Our qualitative and quantitative research capabilities include deliberative focus groups and interactive workshops, individual or paired depth interviews, and surveys delivered using a range of media (postal, digital, in-street, at-stop, door-to-door, travel diaries, telephone, GPS).  We collaborate with high quality fieldwork agencies to deliver large-scale quantitative surveys and draw on respected Universities around the world for academic input.

The research we undertake benefits from our team's hands-on knowledge of mobility system design and delivery.  We work on standalone research commissions, as well as using the techniques and insights to inform larger transport planning projects.  This ensures the projects we work on are informed by the best data and insights, while our broader understanding of evidenced good practices enriches our thinking and approach.

Making Ptp Work