Data & Analytical Tools

Open data, crowdsourcing, and open source technologies are changing the way transport planning decisions are made - both at individual and network-wide levels

Growing numbers of connected GPS-enabled devices, supported by advances in software development and cloud-computing are changing the way we plan and use transport systems.  They increasingly provide data and tools that facilitate deeper exploration of people's travel patterns and better understanding of network efficiency.

ITP works at the intersection of transport planning, open data, and open source software development to deliver fresh insight into the drivers and consequences of travel demand.  As well as creating valuable new datasets that improve the quality of data on which transport planning decisions are made, we use map-based visualisation techniques to bring our insights to life.

Our work is led by ITP's in-house software development and computational analysis team, whose regular collaboration with our sister company Conveyal, helps us to keep pace with this rapidly evolving sub-sector of transport planning.
