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news: ITP appointed to scope dockless bike parking hubs in Camden

ITP has been appointed by the London Borough of Camden to support the development of a network of dockless bike hire parking ‘hubs’ throughout the borough.

The work forms part of LB Camden’s preparation for the introduction of a new pan-London byelaw in the summer of 2020 which will:

  • facilitate the creation of a single London-wide operating area for dockless bikes;
  • give the boroughs legislative powers to manage and enforce parking;
  • introduce standards for vehicle specification, and;
  • require all bikes to be chipped so that their whereabouts can be determined.

The byelaw is designed to enable the dockless bike hire market to continue to grow and enable operators to access economies of scale, whilst also combatting some of the existing challenges: most notably the contribution dockless bikes make to street clutter.

Our work will major on the identification and audit of suitable locations – both on- and off-carriageway – each capable of accommodating between 4 and 20 bikes.

Dockless Bike Camden

The Council is aiming to double the existing residents’ cycling mode share to 7.2% by 2024/25 and double it again by 2041.  The continued promotion of dockless bike hire is seen as a key component in enabling these targets to be attained.

If you'd be interested in working on similar projects to this one, we are currently looking for someone with 8+ years' experience to join our Policy and Strategy Team. Click here to find out more about the job and how you can apply.


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